UK Product launch SIV III for Seal Integrity Verification
Defective seals dramatically slash the shelf-life and quality of both foods and pharmaceuticals and can also cause early failure of electronic products. Balancing these factors in a manufacturing environment demands careful measurement and tracking. Seal verification provides this data and is usually non-destructive. Leakage parameters are programmed into the SIV III and the operator simply selects a code for the product under test and closes the chamber door. Lights then signal a pass or fail for each test. The system can examine the seal strength of a bag or even of a bag inside of box. Additionally, a “Seal Burst” test mode is available to ensure the package meets a minimum force without failing. The SIV III enables a company to analyse its failure percentages, strength distribution, maximum peel force, burst pressure and how all these vary with temperature. A dedicated Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) provides both automatic test cycle sequencing and data analysis. The SIV III is CE Certified for sales across the European Market. ENDS Please send
any sales enquiries to Christopher Roberts, Versaperm Limited , For further
Press Information please contact Gerry Palmer @ the Palmer & Rose
Partnership. Tel +44 (0) 1494 637499, e.mail gerry@palmer-rose.co.uk.