Versaperm Vapour Permeability measurement


Quality control and vapour permeability
for world’s most damaging contaminate(s)

Quality control and vapour permeability for world’s most damaging contaminate(s)
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Water, petroleum, oxygen and CO2 vapours cause huge problems – especially when they get into the wrong place.  Water vapour alone (surprisingly the world’s most damaging contaminate) costs the UK several billion pounds every year through rust and rot.  Vapours permeate through  every material and container, causing pharmaceuticals to lose potency, machinery to stick, electronics to fail, food to rot and seals to leak.

Versaperm’s upgraded range of permeability meters is designed to test, measure and quality control in all manner of equipment, products, machinery and packaging to reduce these problems.
The system produces fast accurate results in the PPM (Parts per Million) to PPB (Billion) range and can quality control permeability for virtually any gas or vapour including hydrocarbons, solvents, hydrogen, oxygen and CO2.

The system works on flat material samples, manufactured sub-assemblies and even finished products.  It is reliable and simple to use and is available in single and multi-sample systems as well as with environmental controls including temperature, pressure and humidity. Samples can range in size from a thimble to a pallet load.

Versaperm also runs a technical consultancy and a laboratory permeability measurement service for companies where the volume or logistics of measurements does not demand a dedicated instrument.


Please send any sales enquiries to
Versaperm Ltd: 10 Rawcliffe House, Howarth Road, Maidenhead, Berkshire, SL6 1AP, UK,
e.mail: Web:
UK Tel: +44 (01628) 777668
USA Tel +1 (617) 855-7477

For Further Press Information please contact:
Gerry Palmer @ the Palmer & Rose Partnership
Tel +44 (0) 1494 637499