Versaperm Vapour Permeability measurement

A measure of Helium’s ultra-usefulness
testing vapour permeability escape rates

Measuring Helium's vapour permeability

Measuring the rate of helium permeation through various materials and containers is crucial for effectively utilizing and containing this precious resource. Addressing this need, Versaperm has created a high accuracy helium permeability meter to help solve the numerous problems and issues associated with using this gas.

The innovative system boasts unparalleled accuracy within the parts per million (PPM) to parts per billion (PPB) range. Results generated by the Versaperm helium meter are not only precise but also highly repeatable, ensuring reliable data for critical decision-making processes. Versatile in its capabilities, the equipment accommodates both flat samples and fully formed components, including multiple compound materials, laminates, barriers, films, textiles, enclosures, and finished products.

Helium is indispensable in a myriad of applications ranging from MRI scanners to satellites, semiconductor chips to optical fibres, and even textiles and airships.  It plays a vital role in modern technology, however, the global supply of helium is subject to high uncertainty, which is compounded by its exceptional ability to escape very rapidly (permeate) through containers and into the atmosphere.

What sets Versaperm apart is its commitment to innovation and adaptability. In addition to the helium meter, Versaperm also offers a mass spectrometer-based version capable of measuring vapour permeability for all non-proscribed gas or gas mixtures. Both meters are technically advanced and can operate across a wide range of pressures, partial pressures, temperatures, and even into supercritical areas, ensuring comprehensive analysis for diverse applications.

Beyond manufacturing and supplying cutting-edge equipment to industries and National Standards agencies worldwide, Versaperm provides extensive laboratory testing and consultancy services. This holistic approach underscores Versaperm's dedication to empowering industries with the insights needed to optimize helium usage and containment strategies.


Please send any sales enquiries to
Versaperm Ltd: 10 Rawcliffe House, Howarth Road, Maidenhead, Berkshire, SL6 1AP, UK, e.mail: UK Tel: +44 (0) 1628 777668 USA Tel +001 (617) 500-8607

For Further Press Information please contact:
Gerry Palmer @ the Palmer & Rose Partnership
Tel +44 (0) 1494 637499