Versaperm Vapour Permeability measurement


Don't talk Rot! Extending your food's shelf life

Extending your food's shelf life
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We all want longer shelf life, tastier results, smarter packaging and better products and with several billions pounds of food rotting every year in the UK alone, extending shelf life offers huge potential. No matter if the solution is MAP packaging, designer materials or temperature control, the root problem is always the same – the (vapour) permeability of the container.  If you want to optimise this, the answer is Versaperm.

Versaperm's new VI vapour permeability meters can show you just how well your packaging, and the materials it are made from are performing for you. They can measure the vapour permeability with respect to gases including water vapour, oxygen, nitrogen, argon CO2 – along with every other gas or gas combination you can use.  Not just for the materials themselves, but for the finished, packaged, product.  These are virtually never the same and are not usually even close. 

Measuring the permeability traditionally took weeks for a single sample, but with the Versaperm equipment it can be achieved in as little as 30 minutes for many films and vapours.  Results are usually accurate to better than one part per million, with some samples accuracy can be measured in parts per billion (PPB).   And Versaperm's new and extended sensor range can be used to measure vapour permeability with almost any common gas or vapour.

The instruments have a highly automated computerised control and can optionally handle several films or finished products at a time.

A huge range of films are used to wrap up food and keep it fresh.  Getting it right dramatically extends the food's shelf life and boosts its freshness.  Getting it wrong can do exactly the opposite.

As well as the Versaperm VI meter the company offers a permeability testing service - usually with a 24 hour turn around.    


Please send any sales enquiries to Christopher Roberts, Versaperm Limited ,
10 Rawcliffe House, Howarth Road, Maidenhead, Berkshire, SL6 1AP, UK, Tel: +44 (0) 1628 777668,
e.mail Web

For further Press Information please contact Gerry Palmer @ the Palmer & Rose Partnership. Tel +44 (0) 1494 637499, e.mail