Versaperm Vapour Permeability measurement
vapour permeability

The Ubiquitous Applications of Vapour Permeability


Vapour permeability, the property of materials to allow the passage of vapour, plays a pivotal role in a diverse array of applications across the majority of industries worldwide.

In industry it controls the way that seals and sealants work, it keeps water and other vapours out of areas where it can cause problems - for example it can cause electronics to short circuit, equipment to jam, metal to rust and a host of other common failures. It allows designers and manufacturers to experiment and test materials that solve common problems.  It also enables QC departments to check both incoming materials and outgoing products without causing unnecessary delays.

In construction, vapour-permeable materials are integral to building envelopes, enabling structures to breathe and preventing moisture-related issues such as mold and rot, which can compromise structural integrity and indoor air quality. The textile industry leverages vapour permeability to enhance the comfort and performance of clothing, particularly in sportswear and outdoor gear, where breathability is crucial for managing perspiration and maintaining thermal comfort.

vAPOR PERMEABILITY AND ITS APPLICATIONSIn the medical field, vapour-permeable dressings and garments improve patient comfort and aid in wound healing by allowing moisture and air exchange. The packaging industry also benefits significantly, as vapour-permeable films help regulate humidity within packages, thereby extending the shelf life of perishable goods and maintaining the efficacy of pharmaceuticals.

Environmental engineering applications, such as water purification and air filtration, rely on vapour-permeable membranes to efficiently separate contaminants from clean water and air.
These diverse applications highlight the versatility and importance of vapour permeability in advancing technology and improving quality of life. As material science continues to innovate, the scope and efficacy of vapour-permeable materials are likely to expand, further enhancing their impact across various sectors.

There are a huge number of areas where vapour permeability is important, and even critical, some of these can be found on the applications drop-down tab on this website.

Click here for a link to permeability on Wikipedia