The unseen problem with O-Rings and Seals
There is a serious unseen problem with seals and O-rings. Although they are great at keeping liquids out –some have such high vapour permeability rates that gases can pass through them virtually unchecked. Having passed through, they simply condense on the other side – so their very effectiveness as a liquid seal is their own downfall as, once they have condensed, they can't escape. For example, seals made from materials including silicone, cellulose, EVOH or PVOH can be virtually useless in applications where water vapour is concerned. Considering that water vapour is the world's most widespread contaminate, the problem can be acute. Fortunately, Versaperm's latest range of permeability measurement instruments can allow you to resolve this problem for virtually every seal or gas application - from water vapour to hydrocarbons and from solvents and greases through to, oxygen, CO2 , Nitrogen and beyond. This allows you to detemine which materials, seals, mastics, or O rings are right for your individual product, application or equipment. The meter is easy to use and gives a series of measurements that can be recorded or simply read off a screen. It needs no re-calibration and requires, at most, minimal training to give results that can be as accurate to better than one part per million (with some samples a few parts per hundred million). As well as manufacturing the instruments, Versaperm offers both a laboratory testing service and a consultancy for companies that only need to test samples on an irregular basis. ENDS Please send
any sales enquiries to Christopher Roberts, Versaperm Limited , For further
Press Information please contact Gerry Palmer @ the Palmer & Rose
Partnership. Tel +44 (0) 1494 637499, e.mail gerry@palmer-rose.co.uk.