Versaperm Vapour Permeability measurement

NEW: Permeability Testing for Labs

NEW: Permeability Testing for Labs

Versaperm’s latest and comprehensive range of vapour permeability measurement systems are specifically designed for materials characterisation laboratories and engineering facilities. They go beyond the ability to test just flat material samples and can also measure it for fully finished components and assemblies, and they work with virtually every gas in the world1

Vapour permeability issues are pervasive, costing the UK alone several billion pounds every year. The repercussions span from compromised food integrity to rust, damaging pharmaceuticals, plastics, paper, electronics, and a myriad of other industries.

A material's permeability dictates a multitude of safety-critical and everyday characteristics, influencing shelf-life, printability, strength, non-leakage of hydrocarbons or medical gases, drug potency, fabric breathability, and the diverse applications of concrete, asphalt, paint, coatings, and more.

Versaperm's equipment optionally also offers precise control over parameters such as temperature, pressure, partial pressure, and humidity. Sensitivity and accuracy, depend on the specific vapours and materials, but typically range in the Parts Per Million (PPM), with some materials achieving Parts Per Billion (PPB) accuracy. Results are precise and highly repeatable.

Boasting the ability to measure multiple samples simultaneously, the equipment features an intuitive automated control panel and a user-friendly, large touch-screen interface.

In addition to supplying this state-of-the-art equipment to laboratories worldwide, including several National Standards laboratories, Versaperm offers a quick turn-around laboratory testing and consultancy service.

The Versaperm mass spectroscopy system can measure any gas, but laboratories are not legally allowed to test certain dangerous gasses without appropriate accreditation


Please send any sales enquiries to
Versaperm Ltd: 10 Rawcliffe House, Howarth Road, Maidenhead, Berkshire, SL6 1AP, UK,
UK Tel: +44 (01628) 777668
USA Tel +001 (617) 500-8607


For Further Press Information please contact:
Gerry Palmer @ the Palmer & Rose Partnership
Tel +44 (0) 1494 637499